Friday, December 24, 2010

Knp ek??

Knp la ble dh keje.. bru byk offer yg dtg..
Sblm ni, nk kne merayu bru dpt..

Npe ek??

Mcm2 offer.. Gaji lg bsr.. Tmpt lg dekt..

Tp ak plak yg cm dh tawar hati..
Yela, org kte, alang2 benti.. Bek keje gov trus..

Hhmm.. Tp nk dpt gov, bkn sng skrg nih..
Ak plak dh lme tggl programming.. network apetah lg kn..


ps : Xsbr nk tunggu dvd.. Miss my storm sooo much.. Eh.. Nk pkai pe ek esok?? Dress ke skirt?? CS suh pkai color purple.. Xtau la npe.. Prlu ke sme ngn die.. Motippp??

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I need some timeout..
Allow me to breath for 1 sec..

I don't feel alive anymore lately..
Previously, used to hang out wit friends, cousins..
I hang out with either my laptop at home or pc in the office..
Work 24/7..
Min, gambare!!!

To many things to do..
To many things to absorb..
To much to handle at a time..
The question is..
Can I do it??
Can I perform it successfully??

It's hard to fulfill everyone needs..
This person wants this.. That person wants that..
But, how about what I want?
Yeah2x.. Who am I to say anything.. I'm in no position to say NO right..

Everyone is leaving..
I myself thought of that for quite some time..
Shall I gave up?? Shall I choose a different path??
But the main point is, what's the best path for me??
I don't really see it now..
I can't imagine it too..

But the thing is..
Staying here is hard..
Doing something I don't like..
Can I perform well with it??
So far, not even close..
I hate every second I spend on this project..
But, like I said..
I'm in no position to say NO..

Should have took the offer..
Well, who knows things turn out this way..
She promises me I'll do what I like and do best next year..
But now, I don't think I can even smell it..
It's way to far to be reached..
Nothing can be done about it now..
No use to be regretting it..

So, what now??

1. Focus on what I have to do..
What's past is past..
I need to struggle on my future..
Because that's what matters..

I always say that when I wake up to go to work..
Hopefully, I will eventually like what I do now..
At least in the mean time..
Until I found the best path for me..
Not that I'm not thinking about that now..
Yeah, u can always find another workplace, but will u be able to get what u want when u get there?
Can u really guarantee that??
R u really confident that that company is way better than this one?
U can't, right..
That's the thing..
Been there myself.. Thinking working as a programmer is tough..
Now is even tougher..


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nothing is simple..

Kalo rse diri ni ssh..
Org len lg ssh..
Kalo rse diri ni stress..
Org len lg stress..
Kalo rse diri ni busy, ssh nk jenguk rmh..
Org len lg busy..

Min, tbh.. Tu jerk yg bleh wat skrg nih..
Kalo rse nk brsungut mcm semut yg de sesungut tuh..
Ingt jerk.. Pe yg ko rse, org len rse lbh lg.. De org yg lg trok drpd tuh.. GAMBARE!!!

ps : 2 more coming in.. Finally, I'm not the only one here.. Here?? Will I be here forever??

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Npe la ek??

Yg ak plg xfhm..
Npe ak yg kne bsuh??
Sdgkn ak xwat papepn..
Xckp ngn TM, PM.. GM pn bsuh ak gak..
Mujur bkn MD kn..
Ak, kalo MD pggl.. Atr due jerk.. Tu yg wat cuak thp dewe tuh..

Bru seminggu kkk tuh msk..
Another malay..
Yela, lg sorg tuh bru jerk benti..
Ni dpt lg sorg..
Mestila hepi kn..
Wat peneman dikale sepi..

Xde angin, xde ribut..
Ak kne pggl ngn TM ak..
Small discussion kte die..
Tp, mmg slalu pn de discussion ngn TM..
Ingtkn nk discuss psl projek ke, update ke..
Rupe2nyer nk ty ak psl kkk tuh..
Dh puas soal siasat, ak blek meje ak..
Xlme lps tuh, PM plak..
Yg nih byk encourage ak..
Die nachat spy jgn mudh trpengaruh ngn org len.. Especially senior..
ps: Cam tau2 plak ak mmg sng di-influence kn..

Lps lunch.. (hr ni lunch brdue jerk ngn PM.. huhuhu.. Jeles ka? Kiddin')
GM pggl ak msk blek die..
Ak dh start resah..
Ak de wat salah ke?
Kalo de msti TM dh bgtau kn td..
Tp ni msti bnde serius nih..
Kalo x, xkn smpai GM sndiri nk jumpe ak..

Dkt 2 jam gak la ak kne bsuh ngn GM..
Sumenyer psl kkk tuh..
Ak pn xpsti sgt pe yg die dh wat..
Pe yg ak dbritahu, kkk tuh dh kne 1st warning..
Npe?? Ntah..
Ak pn xbran nk ty lebih2..
Ak dpggl die sbb xnk ak trlibt sme n wat pe yg kkk tuh wat which I don't even know what exactly..
Since GM kte, so far prestasi ak ok..

Act, ak musykil sgt..
Pe la agaknyer yg kkk tuh dh wat smpai bnde ni jd seserius nih??
Ak bru bkoba2 promote malay kt company nih..
Tup2 ni plak yg jd..
Hopefully, either senior/junior yg bkl msk, xkn repeat pe yg kkk nih wat..
Ak xnk, malay dpndg serong kt cni just bcoz of 1/2 person..

Wah, xsdr pnjg post kali nih..
I better end it now..
Lab sweden tgh tunggu ak nih..
Till next time, ja n salam..

Friday, October 8, 2010

Be patient!!

Lek lok jerk dh de lg sorg kn..
Die benti plak..
Xthn kot..
Ktrg slalu gak skype..
Die slalu ngadu stress..
Xle nk wat pe la..
Just wishing her all the best..

ps: Kkk pn xthn ek.. Kalo junior tuh lg mude drpd ak, cnela agaknyer..

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Can't wait for final ep!!

Tgh2 tension wat checklist.. Layn jdrama jap..
Natsu-niji ep 8-9..

Mule2 tgk ep 8, ak jd sonok giler.. Akhirnyer dorg together.. Best2.. Pttla rating tinggi.. Tp xkan semudh tu kot.. Ye r.. Sblm nih, punyela ssh prmpn tuh nk ngaku..

Ep 9.. Tgh gembire2.. Dkt2 nk last tuh.. Anak die, Umi-chan plak wat hal.. Ye r.. Taiga pn satu hal.. Sng2 jerk nk jd ayah bdk tuh kn.. Elok2 dh harmoni cm 1 family.. At last, cmni plak jdnyer..

Sedih ar.. Ak hrp citer nih happy ending.. Kalo tgk time openingnyer lagu, cm sad.. Hopefully not la.. Kbykn citer jun-kun sumenyer happy.. Yg sad slalunyer movie.. Pe yg pasti, drama ni dh pn hbs ditygkn kt jepun last monday.. Ak tgh tunggu either stormy team or refrain sub team to post out the last ep.. Leh la ak download.. Dgr citer kt dramacrazy dh de.. Tp sjk dh th pe yg blaku, xkn skali2 ak support streaming site tuh.. Mysoju pn.. Sorry for my naive decision but that's final.. Yg slh bkn site tuh pn.. Tp org2 yg xbrtgggjwb yg post vids2 kt ctu.. Kalo la dorg sedr pe yg dorg wat kn..

Kla, nk smbg wat checklist... Smbl2 dgr Yui ; Please Stay With Me.. Natsu-niji nyer OST.. Cbe r dgr.. Mesti addicted.. Huhuhu.. Till next time, ja n salam..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Maximum STRESS!!

Kalo Sho-chan ske ckp "Maximum Umai" dlm 'Arashi no Shukdaikun'.. Hr nie mrupekn hr plg stress wat ak..

Jgn ty npe.. Ak plg xske org ty ak npe.. Ktela pe pn.. Ak mmg cmni.. Just leave me alone.. That's the only thing I want..

Test bnde yg xtau fungsinyer.. Nila yg jd.. Try n error.. Dhla deal ngn hw.. Lgla sakit.. Wat plak vnc.. Kalo kt lab sndiri yg laju, wat la pe ragam pn.. Xdela jd stress melampau cmni.. Ni x, nk tunggu abisco mmi tu brgerak pn dh mkn mse.. Dh la tp ni 2j 40m.. Mne x stress ble fail..

Cbe ko jd ak.. Duk kt dpn pc nih bejam2, mengadap bnde yg sme.. Org len tego sket jerk, dh melenting kn.. Emo sungguh.. Sumenyer sbb test yg xpass2.. Kuar plak prob yg pelik2.. Nk kne trobleshoot lg (Need a lot of help from dev on MY n SE side)..

Act, to be frank.. I hate this project.. Of course it's a learning experience but testing something u know nothing about??? Sooo hard.. I hate doing something like this.. I hate to always depend on others to do my work.. Always asking people what to do.. Even I myself hate to be disturb when I'm doing work.. I think others too..

Sometimes, I just felt like going out from klcc.. Throwing down my pc.. Scream..

Of course, bnde tuh xkn selesaikn prob ak.. Testing tetap kne wat.. Xkn nk mkn gaji bute jerk kn.. Msk office.. chat, facebook, sms org.. Pe yg pasti, ak xnk wat cmtuh.. Ak nk company ni tau betape bruntungnyer hire malay kt cni..

I always try to think positive.. But sometimes, u just can't.. Keje kt cni, ak ngaku.. Byk ngajar ak.. Tp setiap hr hati ak sakit.. Bkn sbb workload jerk.. Environment.. Staff2 kt cni.. Ak th company ni de bad history ngn malay.. Tp xsume malay tuh sme.. Npela dorg ske judge a book by its cover?? Aaarrrggghh!! Hr2 ak try tbhkn hati ak utk dtg... Tgggjawab.. Ak xnk sbb ak, lg trok pndgn dorg kt malay.. N kalo le, ak xnk junior yg msk lps nih rse pe yg ak rse.. At least not that much..

Kla, dh byk luah.. Pd yg bce, jgn plak kalo dpt intrview kt cni, xjd dtg.. Ni experience ak.. Xsmstinyer korg dpt yg sme kn..

Pd yg nk kutuk ak sbb lps stress kt cni, kutuk r.. Ak dh xkisah.. Byk bnde len yg ak nk fikir.. Till then, ja n salam..

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cmni rupenyer..

Hr Sabtu mlm bru2 nie, ak gi wedding banquet staff kt cni..
First time attend chinese-nyer wedding dinner..
Byk gak wat research tuk event tuh..
Hadiah pe nk bg.. Cash ke.. Bnde ke.. Kalo cash brp byk n etc..
Bju pe nk pkai..
Color pe..
Huhuhu.. First time la diktekn.. Though ak de family yg Chinese tp dh msk Islam.. Len la..

Last2, gi redh Jusco Cheras Selatan.. Bik jerk pe yg jumpe..
Sampul angpow merah ngn blouse + skirt purple..
Okla kot.. Ak de ty gak staff2 kt cni since most of them Chinese kn..

Mlm tuh, ak gi ngn Vincent.. Die bik ak kt rmh.. Ntah cne le setuju pg ngn die, ak pn xth.. Umi punyela trkejut.. Ye r.. Ttibe jerk Chinese guy muncul dpn pagar kn.. Nasib2 jerk nk kne maki ngn ayah.. Huhuhu.. Event tu start kul 8 kt Ballroom Cititel Midvalley...

Mknn yg dihidg kebykknnyer mahal2.. Sharkfin, lobster.. De gak ikan n ayam.. Ikut kte Vincent, lg mahal mknn lg bgs bg dorg spy newlywed tuh sntiase hidup mewah smpai bile2.. Event nih hbs dlm kul 11 mlm.. Lme gak kn.. Yelah, dgn speech-nyer, toast-nyer.. Tari-menari pn de gak.. Ak xla menari.. Vincent de ajak gak tp fhm2 je la eh.. Ak ni pn bknla bgs sgt.. Tp ak thu bnde tu xle..

Smpai rmh, ak ajak Vincent msk.. Yela, nk being polite kn.. Ak tgk lampu pn nyale lg.. Tp die tolak.. Time tuh pn dh dkt pkl 12.. Die pn nk blek PJ.. Huhuhu..

One thing, ak sorg jerk Malay kt ctu.. Believe it or not.. Ak ingt de la gak yg len.. Rpenyer xde.. Spnjg dinner tuh, Vincent byk bgtau ak.. Npe dorg pilih dishes nih.. Pe simboliknyer.. Pndek kte bykla yg ak blaja.. Yelah, sket sbyk tau gak la culture org len.. Bgse len..

Kla, nk wat VnC jap.. Nk collect result from SE Lab.. Till next time, ja n salam..

Friday, September 17, 2010

Love Rainbow PV & Making..

I love this song very much..
Maybe because of Natsu-niji drama..
Or maybe simply because jun-kun is so cute in the pv..
Here I attached 2 screen shots.

Juntoshi moment during the making of Love Rainbow pv..

Cute jun-kun reaction during the pv..

I know I'm bias but he does look good in brownish hair too.. Though he's always with black hair before. Overall, Arashi looks really cute in the pv.. Except for aiba-chan that looked quite aging.. I wonder why.. Stress I guess..

K, gotta go.. It's work time.. Till then, ja n salam..

What Kind Of Weather Are You!!


A confused, wondering spirit you are. A complex heart. You don't understand why, you just are. Try to ask for some answers, you may get where your going soon.

Created by TShirt

Monday, September 13, 2010

Pulg jue akhirnyer!!

Ak sampai cni lbh kurg kul 11 mlm td...

Akhirnyer dpt jue ak beraye kt cni..
Thanks pd kengkwn yg wish.. Blek2 tgk hp, byk giler msj msk.. Al-maklumla kt cne mne gune hp yg sme.. No pn x..
Msh xdpt nk kembali ke alam nyate..
Byk sgt bnde yg prlu di-catch up..

Kla, nk smbg update mantis..
Till next time, ja n salam..

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Slamat Hari Merdeka!!

Kalo kt malaysia, hr ni cuti.. Kt cni, xla kn.. Hhhmm..

Smlm celebrate birthday jun-kun.. Dorg wat soba (jun-kun fav food).. De yg beli kek.. Best gak la.. First time kumpul ngn Arashinyer fans.. Xsgke rmai gak yg minat Arashi kt cni.. Papepn, Omedetou Otanjoubi Jun-kun.. Zutto shiawase ne..

Kla, nk siapkn kerts keje tuk esok be4 blek.. Esok pg2 dh nk kne present.. Till next time, ja n salam..

ps : Been bothered by this for quite some time now.. Dreaming of an unknown guy and kids.. I wonder what they mean..

Monday, August 30, 2010


1. Matsumoto Jun-san Birthday..
2. Replacement Leave(RL)

2 reasons for me to be happy tomorrow.. Surprisingly, I met Arashi's fans here.. N I'm celebrating jun-kun birthday with them tomorrow at 6.. (Yup, Maghrib already at 6 starting last Thursday.. huhu) Nvr done this kind of activity before.. Nvr really celebrate any of Arashi's members' birthdays before.. (No one to celebrate with I guess)..

It's only 9.10 pm now.. Nothing much to do.. Since I'm on leave tomorrow.. Time for myself then.. Huhu.. Ja n salam..

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mood xmnentu..

Smlm.. 1 hr rse nk mrh.. Tp xtau nk mrh kt spe.. Xkn nk mrh dlm tepon plak.. Cm xsesuai jerk..

Lps solat zohor, ak tgk citer Natsu-niji.. Ep 3&4.. Emo giler rse tgk citer tuh.. Smpai bile dgr lgu Arashi - Love Rainbow, syik nangis jerk.. Rindu sgt kot.. Huhuhu.. Al-maklumla jauh.. Dhla rye pn kt cni.. Xdpt nk mkn mskn family.. Laa, nk nangis lg la nih..

Office hour skrg 8-5.. Kt cni buke dlm linkungn 7 stgh.. Tgk keadaan.. Summer pn dh hbs.. Silap2 kul 5 dh buke.. Huhuhu.. Sahur pn kne awal la.. Ssh gak la.. Tmpt org.. Mne de yg sng.. Kn..

Hhmm.. Lme xdgr citer kengkwn.. Nk ym, mls nk instal.. Nk reply emel, cm pelik plak.. Kwn2, sorila eh xdpt nk join korg buke rmai2.. Pdhal, ak yg beria2 suggest.. Last2 ak yg xjoin.. Sori sesgt.. Bnde xle nk elak..

Kla, dh byk merepek nih.. Till next time.. Ja n salam

Slamat menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak..

Ps:Kul brp skrg eh?? Dlm kul 3 kalo xslh.. Beze 6 jam 6 min.. Btol la kot..

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Smlm album bru Arashi, Boku no Miteiru Fuukei kuar.. Tp sbb ak wat pre-order, ak dpt album tuh hr isnin bru2 nie.. Pd ak satu2nyer album yg ak ske sume lgu dlm tuh.. Selain Time.. Of course la compilation album xtrmasuk kn.. Full album jerk.. Lps dkt 2 thn xkuar full album bru.. Mmg best giler la.. Cover pn kakkoi..

Dlm byk2 tuh ya ak plg suke :
1. Mada Ue wo (マダ上ヲ)
2. Movin' On
3. Refrain (リフレイン)
4. Let Me Down
5. Come Back to Me - Matsumoto Jun Solo
6. Shizuka na Yoru ni (静かな夜に)  - Ohno Satoshi Solo

Nmpk cm brt sblh je kn sbb ak plih jun-kun nyer solo.. Tp lgu tuh mmg best.. Funky.. O-chan plak of course la.. Ak rse die nyanyi lgu pape pn best.. Huhuhu.. Sore die mmg sdp..

Nnti de mse ak upload lgu tuh.. Bkn skrg la kot.. (ps: bleh jerk nk wat pg nih kn.. Gile!! Keje byk, smpt lg kn..)

Kla, nk smbg update checklists.. Act, de bnde len nk tulis tp nntila.. Next post.. Huhu.. Ja n Salam..

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Brsediekh ak??

Mlm ahad rituh, mmbr skola ak call.. Bf die proposed kt die time dorg kuar ptgnyer..

Well, I'm happy for her of course.. Kwn.. Mstila kte tumpg gembirekn.. Tp satu jerk ak xske.. Ble org ty ak bile.. Mungkin de org fikir, umur skrg ni dh ptt fikir psl hal2 rmh tangge nih.. Tp bkn ak.. Tmbh2 plak skrg.. Xkn nk kawen ngn org yg kte bru knl 2-3 bln kn.. Lgpn, byk lg bnde yg ak nk kejar.. Nk rse puas hidup sndiri lu.. Pegg duit sndiri.. Beli aset..

Tp, bile tgk rmai mmbr2 yg dh kawen.. Ak mule fikir.. Ak ni dh tue ke?? Mmg dh ptt fikir bnde tuh ke??

Ak ty ummi.. Slalunyer, mak kte jerk yg fhm diri kte lbh drpd kte sndiri.. Th pe yg trbaik utk kte kn..

Ak citer la sumenyer.. Psl mmbr yg kawen then brcerai walopn dh knl lme.. Yg dh kawen, xyh nk mentionla.. Drpd kwn sek smpai la degree.. Le diktekn.. setiap bln de jerk mmbr yg kawen..

Th pe die bgtau?? Kalo nk tunggu kte brsedie, smpai ble2 pn xkn brsedie.. Ummi ckp, kte akn bljr sume tuh time kte laluinyer.. Cm along yg mule2 tkt nk pgg anak die.. Dr segi mse.. Die kte, llaki nih mmg xkn tunjukkn perangai sbnr die time couple.. Plg byk pn 30-40% jerk.. So, ak trfikir.. Prlu ke kte knl llaki tuh lme utk th hati budi die yg sbnr..?? Ntah.. Mmbr2 ak pn de ckp, perangai husband die be4 n after marriage mmg brbeze.. Tp ak rse kes Ima len.. Spe nk brcerai kn.. 4 thn tuh knl.. Hhmm..

Ummi de bgtau lg.. Kdg2 kte rse ssh sgt nk lekt.. Mksdnyer, de jerk yg xkne time couple.. Mybe die bkn jodoh kte.. Yelah, kn setiap drpd kte nih dh trtulis jodoh die spe.. Pe yg pntg kte ummi, sntiase mntk drpd Dia.. Sbb hy Dia jerk yg th pe yg trbaik utk kte.. Pe yg sesuai.. Mungkin kte rse diela llaki yg plg sesuai tp sbnrnyer x..

Ak pn trfikir tntg Is.. Pe jerk yg kurg ngn die.. Pelajrn de.. Agame.. Family die pn baik.. Tp ktrg mmg ssh sgt nk sepndpt.. De jerk yg xkne.. Ble fikir2 blek.. Bnde kecik pn jd bsr.. Hhmm.. Last2 jd cmni.. Spe sgke kn.. Papepn, ak sntiase hrp yg trbaik utk die.. Ktrg knl dh lme.. Dn ak psti, kalo die nk, die akn dpt.. Jauh lg baik drpd ak.. Brdsrkn pe yg die ade.. =)

Act, ak bru hbs 1 projek.. Idling time skrg nih.. Tu yg tulis topik yg tiade brkesudhn cmni.. Smntare tunggu tasks bru.. Huhuhu.. Kalo ikutkn, bnde nih.. kalo nk citer.. mmg xkn brkesudhn.. Toll x??

Kla, nk smbg menyibukkn diri kt uTest.. Dpt gak tmbh income.. Huhuhu.. Till next time, ja.. Salam..

Monday, July 12, 2010

Really appreciate it guys!!

Smlm, pg2 lg mmbr2 ak tepon..

"Kitorg dh smpai bndr nih.. Ko siap2 la eh.."

Ak pn dgn trpisat2nyer bgn, mandi n brsiap ala kdr.. Stkt nk jumpe dorg, xde hal la kot.. Pkai smpoi2 pn xpe..

Kul 9.30 pg..

Trkezut giler ak.. Dh la A*** ngn A* de.. Ak plak pkai sempoi giler.. Minah 2 org ni xplak ckp dorg ikut skali.. Argh, hntam je r..

Destinasi 1st.. Sg congkak..
X mndi pn.. Bork2 jerk.. Mklumla, dh dekt 4 thn gak xjumpe..

Surprise!! Giler xsgke.. Kot la nk banje nandos je kn.. Ni siap kek, hadiah.. Wah.. Air mte dh meleleh dh time tuh.. Mmg xdpt cover lgsg.. Tringt time kt kdh thn lps.. Cmni gak..
ps : A*** bg ak teddy bear+bnge+cklt.. Gile r.. Abg nandos tu bleh plak ingt ktrg de pape..

Bleh plak kn.. Smate2 sbb H*** kte die nk jln2 kt tmn.. Ak ikut je r.. Org yg bwkkn.. Bkn ak drive sndiri..

Ak giler2 nyer hepi.. Xsgke.. 4 thn lbh xjumpe kn.. Hhmm.. Nwy, ak nk say thanks sesgt pd dorg br4.. Walopn umi bising sbb ak smpai rmh lewt drpd yg dijnjikn.. Huhuhu.. Mmg ak xle lupe.. Thanks sbb banje ak mkn, wyg, siap bg hadiah lg.. Ureshiii des... Arigatou!!

Pd kengkwn len, thanks gak.. Ak trharu sbb rmai yg wish walopn to tell u the truth ak pn lupe pg tuh.. Kwn2 skola, matrik, deg.. Kwn2 kt tagged, lj.. Yg gne ym.. email.. Thanks sesgt.. Ak xth cne nk ckp.. Nk jnji tkt xmmpu nk tepati.. Ak rse brsyukr sgt sbb korg kwn2 ak.. Thanks again..

Kla, till next time.. Ja n salam.. =)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Arashi - To be free..

First time dgr kt arashi discovery; "Best gak lgu nih.."

Bukk lj, thanks to ao no michi community.. Tgk pv n making.. Trus jth cinte ngn lgu nih.. Nk2 pv yg ala2 bsb lgu pe nth.. Yg kt desert tuh.. Ak pn lupe.. Lgla ak jth cinte..

Cbe crk kt 4shared.. Jumpe!! Ye!! Ske ske ske..

ps: Dgr lgu nih cm xpuas.. Cye r.. Ak rse yg bkn fan dorg pn akn ske..
*Ske sgt ngn rambut matsujun dlm pv nih.. Huhuhu

Friday, June 25, 2010

Pe kne la ngn ak nih!!

Agaknyer ak nih dh x btol kot.. Bru duk JB seminggu.. Dh jd cmni.. Kalo sebln.. Xtaula..
Kalo org len xtido tgk world cup, ak xtido brgayut kt phone..(Die yg call, bkn ak..)
Sjk keblkgn nih mmg ssh sket nk brenggang ngn phone.. Dh sminggu dh.. Msj 24/7.. Gile x gile la kn..
Smlm, blek keje je.. Smpai rmh trs pgsn xsdrkn diri.. Tgh syok2 tido, phone bunyi..
Reply2 xsdr dh kul 12..
Dlm hati:Alamak, mate cm dh celik jerk nih.. Pdhal bru trlelap 10-15 min jerk td..
Tetibe die call..
Rupe2nyer die pn xle tido cm ak.. Huhuhu.. Pdhal 2 2 kne gi keje esoknyer..
Ble dh start bork tuh, mmg ssh la nk hang up.. Nk2 kalo die yg call.. Tgk jam dh dkt 2.30 pg..
Smbg bork lg.. Smpai bola hbs.. Gile kn..
Ak suh die ltk phone.. Ye r.. Dh brp jam la plak die call ak.. Nk hang up pn mkn mse 10 min..
Jam dh dkt kul 5..
Dlm hati ingt nk tido, tp kalo tido kang xsdr.. wat naye jerk.. Xgi ofis la ak..
Kul 6 ak call die.. Die pn kne gi keje gak kn..
Sampai ofis.. Tetibe smgt giler nk wat keje.. Al-maklumla.. Keje brtimbun ngn dateline yg mkn dkt.. Silap2 esok ngn ahad kne gi ofis.. Huhuhu..
Jap, ak bkn workaholic tau..
Kla, dh byk sgt merepek mkn krepek nih.. Lme2 sgt nnti de plak yg xpuas hati..
Till next time, ja n salam..

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rainbow in kl..

First time sejk ak keje kt cni..
Slame nih hujan lbt gak tp xplak die muncul..
Tetibe die muncul jumaat ptg (11 Jun 2010)
Cantik gak.. Tp ak xdpt nk ambik gmbr yg cantik la.. Ye r, hp pixel kecik..
Walau papepn.. Check out 2 gmbr bwh nih..
Pelangi drpd klcc pov..

Monday, June 7, 2010


Finally, it's over... One more to go for now.. Still waiting for developers to do all the fixes be4 running the next test cycle.. Hopefully all go well according to plan.. Amin.. Gambare!!

ps : What shall I do 4 the mean time?? Study jmeter and creating test data I guess.. These are my next priorities.. Ah, I really do miss my storm.. I heard they have new album out.. With solos record for each of them.. Aarrrgghh..

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Gilenyer stress skrg nih.. Rse cm nk kuar jerk drpd office..

Min, gambaremassu!!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Aarrgghh.. Stress melampau..

Bile sume nk cr mgse tuk dislhkn.. Akhirnyer, ak la yg kne.. Kn.. Ni la tester.. Nk wat cne.. Redha je r..

Monday, May 24, 2010

I do believe this is the best solution..

Hr sabtu, 22/5..

Akhirnye.. konvo jge ak.. Walopn lewt drpd yg septtnyer.. Drpd rmh lg, jntg dh brdbr.. Tgn mggeletar bgai nk rak.. (Ak rse sume pn pasan bab tgn tuh).. Hr yg di2nggu2 slame 3 thn 1/2 smpai jue..

Dlm dewn cbe utk mmberi tumpuan (Yeker? Bkn ke cbuk brgmbr).. Time ambik scroll.. Control giler time jln.. Ye r.. Bkn slaloo nek pnts DSB tuh.. 1st n last la kot.. (InsyaAllah kalo ambik master kt ctu, bkn last la) Tgh control2.. time trn tangge abg urusetia ckp ak jln laju sgt.. (Mujur gmbr ok.. Kalo x.. Xtaula)..

Hbs jerk.. Ktrg sume disrh nek atas.. Ak nek gak la.. Trpakse.. Dlm pd tuh, jenguk2 gak.. Kot la trnmpk org yg dikenali.. Sampai ats, ayah call..

"Min ktne? Ktrg tunggu dpn dsb nih.. Kt carpet mrh"
"Min kt dpn ptar 1 nih.. Jap gi min trun"

Dlm hati ak trtunggu2 gak.. Npela is xmsg2 ak.. Die bgtau nk dtg time konvo nih.. Die nk bwk adik die skali.. Tp sampai skrg pn xdgr khabr brite.. Ak mls la nk msg die.. Kot die busy ke.. Xnk la kaco..

Trun2.. Org prtame yg ak nmpk, ummi ngn ayah ak.. Mule2 xprsn.. Tgk2 rupe2nyer, mak sedare, bp sedare pn de.. Sepupu2 ak pn.. Ramai giler.. Kakak n abg ak hrsla de skali.. First time rse sonok giler.. Sume org gather tuk tgk ak konvo.. Hrsla sonok kn.. Borak2 xsdr dh sampai bintg.. Benti ambik gmbr.. Yg lawaknyer, sume nk ak pgg bunge dorg.. Kalo 1 2 xpela.. Pening abg cameraman tuh.. Sian die..

Lps tuh, ktrg rmai2 gi mkn.. Pak Uda banje.. Diam2 ak fikir2 gak.. Npela sampai skrg is xcontact2 ak.. Busy kot.. Xpela..

Smlm, Ahad, 23/5..

Pg2 is call ak.. Ajak bekfes ktenyer.. Ak siap2 la.. Dlm pd tuh msh trty2 npe die xdtg.. Time ak trn die tgh bork2 ngn ayah ak.. Xtaula dorg borak psl pe..

"U konvo smlm ke?? Pakcik bgtau td.. Sori, I xtringt lgsg.."

Tu ayat yg kuar drpd mulut die.. Pttla die xmsg, xcall.. Die xtau pn ak konvo hr sabtu tuh rupenyer.. Niat mmg nk nek blek semule jerk.. Tp sbb ayah de.. Ak turun gak la.. Xde pape yg kuar drpd mulut ak.. Ak cume senyum jerk.. Spy ayah xbau pape2..

Kt luar..
"I xle lme nih.. Nnti nk kne gi s.a hntr jubh.."
Tu la ayat yg kuar drpd mulut ak.. Hati ak jd sakit.. Xtaula npe.. Mungkin sbb ak fikir, sedare ak kt johor pn dtg, die kt puchong yg xdtg.. Sedih gak la sbnrnyer..

"La.. Xkn sbb bnde kecik cmni pn u nk mrh.. I xsengaje.. Yg u xcontact I npe?? Byk bnde yg I kne ingt.. Bkn konvo u jerk.."

Bnde kecik.. Mungkin pd die.. Tp bkn ak.. Nth2 ni la last ak konvo.. Kt bkn th pe yg akn jd akn dtg.. Toll x?? Yela, mungkin mmg slh ak sbb xinform die lgsg..

Is bkk pintu kete..
"I xlapr la.. Lenkali la kte gi.. Sori.."
Ak jln ke arh gate..
"U nk I watpe?? Bru u puas hati?? I xsengaje.. Xkn tu pn u xfhm.. Dh brp lme u knl I?? Pe yg u nk?? Cbe u ckp.."
"Xde pe.. I xlapr.. 2 je.. I msk dulu.."

Ak xtau pe yg akn jd kalo ak trus stay kt ctu.. Ak kalo bleh xnk parents ak tau.. Korg fhm mksd ak kn..

"ina, ikut I.. Kte settlekn bnde nih.. Lps tuh, I hntr u blek.. U hntr jubh tuh kul brp?"
"Smpt.. Msk je.."

Ahad, 11.15 pg...

Sampai kt pdg jawe.. Ak melamun jap..

"If u think that's the best thing for us.. Ok.."

Prkataan tuh msh tngiang2 lg kt telinge ak.. Ye, ak yg decide.. N ak rse that's for the best.. Mungkin sbb ktrg dh knl trlalu lme, bnde cmni le jd.. Mybe nila msenyer tuk nilai blek.. Existence msg2.. Tetibe tin-chan call.. Die dh sampai rupenyer.. Huhuhu.. Xsdr pn..

Ahad, 3.30 ptg..

Sampai2 je rmh.. Ummi ty..
"Pe yg jd?? Korg gado ke??"

Ak diam.. Senyum trpakse..
"Min nek lu la mi.. De bnde nk kne wat.."

Sbnrnyer ak nk mengelak.. Ak th pe yg akn ummi ty.. Pe yg ak bleh ktekn.. Ak prlukn mse.. Tu jerk.. Utk nilai blek prkatan "Farina" itu.. Kdg2 ak trfikir.. Pe jd kalo ak diamkn jerk bnde tuh.. Tp sampai bile plak.. Hhmm.. Org kte, kte slalu takes things for granted bile bnde tuh sntiase ngn kte.. Mybe de baiknyer jgk bnde cmni jd..

* Gile lme nk wat post nih.. Copy paste pn mkn mse tau.. Huhuhu.. Tula.. Nila yg jdk kalo gune intrnt subsidi.. Huhuhu.. Kla, nk smbg wat db jap.. Untg2 le blek awl.. Ja..

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bnde nk jd..

Pg nih, sedr2 dh lmbt.. Wat prtame kalinyer.. Mlm td mmg dh cdg nk gi lmbt pn.. Tp xla jgke trbgn lmbt.. Tu 1 hal..

Lg sket nk smpai tol ke-2, eksiden plak.. Ngn naza plak tuh.. Bengg gak la.. Mujur die nk byr.. Tp xbyk.. Ak pn, yg dh lmbt nih.. Trime jerk.. Kg lmbt plak sampai ofis.. Org len plak yg bising..

Lately nih rse cm duit kurg ckp la.. Xtau npe.. Ke mne la peginyer duit ak nih agaknyer..

Ni nk gune tuk repair, road tax, insurans.. Kalo jd gi jimbe hujg bln, nk kne gi servis kete lu.. Hhmm.. Dgn mcm2 nk beli lg...


Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Rse frust sgt ngn diri sndiri.. Task yg simple pn xle nk settle kn.. Sampai org len kne tolong.. (Dorg pn de byk bnde nk wat gak)..

Hari2 complain kt ummi.. Hari2 kte nk benti.. (Tp xbenti2 gak kn.. Sampai skrg.. Ckp jerk lebih..)
Awal2 lg md dh inform.. Kt cni kne wat multi-tasking.. Kne handle mcm2.. Yg nk complain tuh npe.. Sndiri yg pilih nk keje kt cni.. Xde spe2 pn pakse.. Xde spe2 ltk pisau kt leher pn kn.. Sndiri yg gatal.. Lps tuh, sndiri gak yg xpuas hati.. Cne??

ps: Tetibe trminat plak lagu 'masih terserlah ayumu'.. Npe skrg ek??

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I am way too busy to update this thingy.. Not just this guy.. Others too..
Maybe.. after finish Mimos only then I updated them.. Ok??

*Not being emo but too stressed lately.. Gomenasai.. Nway, I miss my storm!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Ak bru lps performance review.. Alhamdulillah.. Everything goes well..
Some good comments..
Some not..
Well, I'm still in learning state.. Need to improve a lot.. N fast..

Hr ni rupe2nyer hr last bg choke n mk.. So, dorg gi celeb lunch nih.. Kt avenue K... Chinese restaurant but halal.. At first.. Since they thought I'm joining in.. But lots of thing to do (Yeker???) N prefering to 'tapau' make me said no.. Hhmm.. Sorry guys.. Really appreciate it though..

Mimos nih.. kalo brjln lancar.. Will be finished by the end of the week.. Hopefully.. Dh lme giler ngadap bnde nih.. Cm dh xsggup pn de.. But work is work ne.. My responsibility.. Kla, nk smbg bce e-book jap.. Nk cpt2 certified.. Untung2 dpt nek gaji.. Huhuhu..

Ja n salam..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mmg kot..

Ak.. mule2 ssh gak nk ngaku.. Yg ak nih sorg yg emo.. Ramai gak mmbr yg tego.. Ak wat bodos jerk.. Sebole2nyer nk deny.. Ye r.. Mne de org yg nk ngaku diri die emo kn..

Ak bohsan2 bukakla quizilla.. Cam bese.. Tetibe ak jumpe kuiz nih..

How emotional are you!!

Eh, cm tau2 plak kn.. Ak pn tryla jwb.. Tup2 nih yg ak dpt..

Aww.. your emotional

Your completely emotional!!! You cry for small things. You can control yourself but you donno how to. Try letting down those tears would you or you'll get into huge trouble! Some day.........

But still, ak xrse yg bnde tuh btoll.. (gilenyer degil kn..) Blek tuh, kebetuln ak blek ngn is.. (Kebetuln k.. Xrncg pn..) Die ambik ak kt masjid jamek.. Ak mule2 xnk ty die.. Ye r kn.. Tp, agaknyer die prsn yg ak de simpn sumthing.. Die sendiri yg ty..

"U ok ke??"

Ak nmpk x ok ke time tuh..? Ak pn xpsti..

"I ok.. Npe??"
"Xde pe.. Keje byk ke td??"

Dlm hati, eh.. Die nih cm dh th jerk pe yg ak fikir.. Tp mmg sblm nih pn, ak ssh nk sorok papepn drpd die..

"U rse I ni emo ke??"

Dgn xde perasaannyer ak ty die..

"Hhmm.. U mmg nk tau ke?? Tp npe tetibe jerk u ty I soklan nih??"
"Sje nk th.. Sbb dh rmai yg nmpk bnde tuh.. Vincent pn prnh ty I, I ok ke x.. So??"

Ak tunggu die jwb.. Tp time tuh sbnrnyer ak dh dpt agak jwpn die.. Ye r.. Ak rse selain drpd family ak, die atr yg rpt ngn ak.. Yg dh fhm ragam ak.. Most of it..

"Hhmm.. I serbe slh nk ckp.. Tp kalo u nk th gak, I think it's pretty normal.. For woman to be emotional.. N I don't think u're that emotional.. rite?? U know urself better than anyone else.. If u think that u r.. As long as it doesn't harm u in any way, it's fine.."

Hhmm.. Sampai rmh, ak ttp trfikirkn bnde nih.. Just like what is told me.. No one knows me better than I am.. I have to admit, I do cry while watching dramas/movies/any videos.. While listening to songs.. But not everytime of course.. It depends on the situation.. But, I guess that can also be considered as an emo person..

*Npe bru skrg ak nk trime eh..?? I wonder..

Monday, April 19, 2010

My P.O.V 3

Arashi Anniversary Tour 5x10
29th August 2009
Some of the pairing moments:

1. Juntoshi.. Taken from A Day n Everything..
2. Ohmiya.. Taken from Hitomi no Naka no Galaxy..

N lastly, hanabi.. From Love So song..

Act, there r lots of things to describe.. But I do believe that this isn't the right blog to use.. Huhuhu.. Some might understand it.. Do check out my other blogs if u wanna know more.. Till next time.. Salam n ja..

ps : See the shot below.. Can u guess who is that?? His back shot was so otoko-pui ne.. He really does has great posture..

My P.O.V 2

Arashi Anniversary Tour 5x10
29th August 2009

Their solo shots.. I arranged them according to their appearances..
Aiba-kun - Pikanchi.. The first solo for this con.. So sorry coz this pic was actually taken from attack it song.. I have trouble to find the best shot for him during pikanchi.. (He was way too sweaty.. Maybe because it's a fast number song n always moving n dancing).. Gome..

Nino - Kotoba Yori Taisetsu na Mono.. He played guitar while singing this song.. So kakkoi..

O-chan - Kumorinochi, Kaisei.. Theme song for Uta no oniisan.. The song is so nice n a little bit childish (Just look at his outfit).. So kawaii..

Sho-kun - Tomadoi Nagara.. The style changed from slow ballad to funky, hip hop style.. So sho-kun-pui..

Jun-kun - Wish.. One of my fav solos.. (Hhmm, I'm jun-baited) Kinda different.. More towards jazzy style.. With lots of saxophone sounds.. N the choreography was also different.. Kinda proving that he is indeed a good dancer.. (Sorry for so-kakkoi shot)..

There're also some pairing moments.. But unfortunately I can't seem to put it here.. I wonder if the next post is the last for 5x10 review..

My P.O.V 1

Arashi Anniversary Tour 5x10
29th August 2009

Well, just like what I mentioned earlier (either in this blog or other blogs).. I think this is the best concert so far that I've already watched.. I just like the way they arranged the songs.. (As u know, they have quite mixture of songs.. From fast number to slow ballad)..
Like what displayed above, this post will only view on their performance in Kokuritsu on 29th Aug.. Not all the clips in the dvd.. (There're also clips on 30th Aug n concert in domes..) For info on the dvd, check my other blogs.. k..

Let start of with the duration of the con.. It took me about 3 hours to finish watching this con.. With overall of 52 songs including the encores.. (N about 10 outfits altogether) However, even though it was long, it doesn't seems that way to me.. The combination of the songs are just great.. They also used different arrangements for each of the songs.. From jazz to rock.. Unlike what u always or normally heard from their live performances.. Compared to previous con, this is definitely more mature since it represents their 10th years in the industry..
About the songs, since they don't really produced a full album last year.. (Except for the 5x10) Most of the songs are taken from their previous singles including believe, crazy moon n everything.. Also included are of course 5x10 n Attack It.. For solos, except for o-chan, each of them sang their single songs with different style of music.. Personally, for me.. I like wish and kumorinochi, kaisei.. Below are some screen-shots from the con..

Everything.. I fell in love with the arrangement of the song.. So beautiful..

Ashita no Kioku.. This is when the screen shows nostalgic pics of them (Taken from babies till recent pics)..

5x10.. The song created to show their appreciation towards their fans in supporting them for the past 10 years..

Sorry to all o-chan fans.. I can't seem to find shots where he smiled.. I really do try though..

Next, their solo shots.. Go to next post k..

Friday, April 16, 2010

Matsu koto ga deki nai!!

X sbr rsenyer nk tgk dvd konsert 5x10..
Tgk skip2 xpuas.. Kne tgk sampai hbs..
Best sgt2 konsert nih..
Mmg xnyesal la pre-order hrtuh.. (Hbs gak r duit gaji)..

Act, Ak dpt 12 hb lg.. Tp xde mse nk tgk.. Blek rmh dh mlm.. Esoknyer kne bgn pg.. Fly from Japan tuh.. Huhuhu..

ps : Jun-kun cute giler dlm tuh.. Ske sgt ngn rambut die.. Sore die pn.. Huhuhu.. Well, I am jun-baited after all.. What to do..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Rse cm xfair jerk.. Tp nk wat cmne..
Prove to them what malays can do..

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Murrii.. Des ne!!

ARASHI compatibility test

you are compatible with Aiba Masaki. well, he is really in to reading books. maybe you share the same hobbies and personalities as him.

Taken from

Nk jun-kun..

Le x, time dkt2 nk dateline pn jwb quiz.. Ingtkn dptla pe yg ak nk.. Tup2 dpt nih...

Which Arashi Member is your True Lover

Congrats! Your true lover is Ohno Satoshi!
You are the type of girl that lives by the slogan: Just be natural! You don't really like making such a big deal about holidays like Xmas or Valentine's Day.. you'd rather make EVERY day special, and exchange gifts WHENEVER, so that you can always be happy with your one and only O-chan! ^.^

Sedihnyer.. Nk jun-kun...

Monday, April 5, 2010


Serabutla... Xfhm lgsg ak ngn coding nih.. Walopn cume xml.. Cne nk relate ngn mimos nih?? Xfhmla cne die pggl.. soapUI!!!! Pe yg ko cbe wat nih??? Cne ak nk wat test case bru nih?? Aaarrgghh!!!


Prtame kali ak mkn kt rstorn brputr Seri Angkase.. Best ke x tuh, no komenla kot.. Mknn die byk.. Drpd sume race.. Western, indian, chinese, malay..

Ak diinvite tuk join dinner tuh (Dinner ngn Ericsson.. Drpd Sweden tuh).. Ak pn pe lg.. Pg jela.. Dh org ajak.. Dinner tuh dh lme dh(16/3/2010) tp bru hr nie Pm upload gmbr kt srvr..

Ni atr gmbr2 mknn yg diambil.. (Xle ltk byk2.. 1 jerk.. Nnti trliuk plak.. Huhuhu)..

Ni plak gmbr klcc drpd kl tower (rstorn seri angkase tula).. Wah, first time kn.. Rse best gak la..

Papepn, mmg kngn yg xle dilupekn.. Bekerje ngn org bkn melayu (Swedish plak tuh).. Hhhmm.. Tp, mmgla.. Being the only malay.. Is tough.. Gambare!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

What Time Of Day Are You!!!

Late Night (eleven p.m. - six a.m.)

You're a late night person. Though you enjoy spending time with friends hanging out at parties, concerts, or gatherings, you always like to tone things down a bit and be alone. You work well with others, you're a people person, but you work best by yourself. You like to write, and you probably orbit your life around music or some other form of art. That's you, the artistic one.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Make-Up Suits You Best!!

Classy and Sophisticated!

You want something to match your personality so why not something natural and earthy to highlight your eyes. The less shimmer, the more attention is drawn to your eyes. I suggest Sephora for their naturals and much variety!

Can u imagine me in that kind of make up?? Hhhmm.. No way right..

Monday, March 29, 2010

How social are you!!


You are in the middle of everything. You can get bored easily; you have good friends but they don't seem to call you much. You lack of self-confidence. You need to stop waiting and start doing ok? :)

Hahah.. So min-pui..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Aahhh.. Serabut...

Serabut giler kepale otak ak nih..
Perl la.. Projectory la.. Mapping la..
Pe bnde la nih.. Xfhm lgsg pe yg die nk..
Tu blom msk agile ngn tomcat lg..
Phmla cpt sket..
Bkn nk handle bnde nih jerk..

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ak trpergkap..

Mne la ak th yg tangge kecemasn tuh xle bkk drpd dlm..
Ak pg ctu pn utk stretchkn bdn ak.. Tepsl2.. Dh de record buruk..
Moral of the story, jgn nk wat sumthing tuh sesuke hati..
Kn dh kne ngn pakcik security tuh..


I wonder..

I don't know whether this can be considered as bored or sleepy..
I'm listing my fav Arashi's songs alphabetically.. With 2 songs(fast n slow) for each alphabet..
Not that I don't have anything to do..
There's so many things to settle..
From Mimos to Ericsson..
Lots of ebooks to read.. Tutorials.. But still, I'm doing unrelated stuff..
God, give me strength to finish up my tasks.. My responsibilities..
Min, gambatte..

Still early..

I came late than usual today.. I was stuck in traffic jams.. Maybe becoz I woke up late too..
U know, everyday.. When I come here, I always wonder.. At what time do they arrive or do they sleep here? Becoz they've always already been here when I come but go home after me..

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Agaknyer mmg slh ak...
Ak nie pntgkn diri sgt kot..
Xkish lgsg org len..
Sbb tula..
Tp nk wat cmner??
Terime jerk..
Sakit pn.. sakitla..

Thursday, March 18, 2010


It's only 5.40 pm.. 20 mins more to go.. Why am I this sleepy..??
It must be because I overslept last night.. I never sleep for 8 hours before.. It usually be 3 - 4 hours of sleeping..
I guess electricity does effected my sleeping hours.. Whole kajang was out of electricity last night until I think 11 pm.. I guess so.. I woke up because I was sweating really bad last night.. N because of that I accidentally knew when the electricity is ok.. (ps: If only I went back late yesterday.. like usual).. I was planning to update my lj and blogspot last night.. Well.. What can I say.. What past is past, right..
Act, there's sum-thing else I wanna update about.. But it's at home.. So, till next time.. Ja..

Monday, March 15, 2010


watashi wa hontōni ..shinu tsumori da

watashi ..koto wo rikai shi te i nai karera wa nani wo , jissai ni wa yaku tonikaku ..hanashi te iru

TS .. OMT ..これは何UFTEているすべての??
TS .. OMT .. kore wa nani UFTEte iru subete no ? ?

bun , anata no saikō no ..shiyo u

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bleh ke nih?

Pg2.. Tgh best2 wat air, hp ak bunyi.. "Ak tidur kjg minggu dpn.. Mak Yoggy blek kdh.. Nnti, ko tidur ngn dewi eh.."

Kakak ak akn tinggl kt rmh sepnjg minggu dpn sbb mak n ayh mentue die blek kedh.. Die kte die dtg ahad mlm.. Kalo ikutkn, ak xkish tp ssh sketla kot.. Kalo dulu time xkeje xpe.. Ni, pg2 kne bgn, mandi, siap2 gi pejbt..

Ak bkn risokn emmet.. Tp dewi.. Ak kne duk seblek ngn die.. Msti weird giler.. Nthla.. Xtaula cne.. Hhmm..

Cnila.. Blek nnti cube ty umi ngn ayh cne.. Lgpun along duk seminggu jerk.. Semntare cuti sek.. Bknnye lme pn kn..

ps : Cptla mse brlalu.. Xnk fikir psl Mimos lg dh.. Nk focus kt Ericsson jerk.. Arashi.. anata ga i naku te sabishii desu..

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1 week is over..

I can't act describe what I feel.. working in klcc.. with being the only malay n muslim here.. What I do know, I have to work hard.. Being hired here for me is pretty lucky since this company has bad experience with bumiputeras including malays.. 2 of malay employees who used to work here did sumthing bad and they've been given 24 hours notice because of that.. I don't know what actually happened but I do believe what they did must be really bad.. N effect this company's reliability.. 2 months notice is normal but 24 hours?? I don't think so..

Anyway, u guys must be wondering why I consider myself lucky, right.. Well, just to say that I got this job because my manager(who's the 1st interviewer for my 1st interview section) wanted to hire me in the 1st place after interviewing me.. She even convinced MD to take me during my 2nd interview.. Lucky, right.. Yeah.. I guess maybe the timing is right.. You know, when I got my final result, looking at my cgpa.. I was really down, disappointed because for me I won't get any job with this cgpa.. But thankfully, I do get it.. n surprisingly fast too.. I guess Allah really does care about me.. N I'm really grateful for that.. I really do.. N what I need to do now, is to prove that I'm what they've been searching for.. Hiring me is worthwhile for them.. Gambaremassu..

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mmg dh xde keje agaknyer..

Mcm la ak nih xde keje len.. Huhuhu.. Sje jerk jenguk forum.. Pe yg brlaku.. Tup tup.. Trargue la plak kn..

Ak bkn pe.. Cume bengang sket la.. Ak bkn trlalu obses dgn arashi sampai pe pn yg buruk yg org ckp ak xtrime.. Ak trime kalo bnde tuh btol.. Tp ni x.. Die hntam tp die xtau yg die salah.. De gak org len yg argue ngn die.. Die siap suh buktikn lg pe yg ktrg ckp tu btol ke x.. Ak mmg hot r dgr cmtuh.. Byk tmpt yg die bleh rujuk tuk carik samade pe yg ktrg ckp tuh btol @ x.. Yg pasti dh trg2 kt dlm Shounen Club Premium tuh mmbuktikn facts yg ktrg tulis.. Die nk gak sangkal.. U know what, wt hell.. Ikut sukatila nk pcy @ x..

ps: Korg rse agak2nyer Arashi nih bkk ke forum tuh ek?? Huhuhu

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

They are alike..right!!

I know u guys must be wondering who am I referring too but lets put ur question aside first.. okay!! =)

Last night I watched Johnny's 2008 countdown.. And I saw and heard 2 nice songs in it.. (besides arashi's of course..) They r "Daite Senorita" and "Mayonaka no Shadow Boy" which originally sang by Yamapi and Hey! Say! Jump.. In conjunction to that, I searched for Mayonaka no Shadow Boy in utube.. And surprisingly, that led me to this..

1 of the members in Hey! Say! Jump - Nakajima Yuto looks similarly like Hideaki Takizawa @ Tackey.. Can't believe it?? See 4 urself..

Yuto is on the top btw.. They do look similar right.. Their age is also the same for both pics (of course Tackey looks older now since the pic is from "majo no jouken" drama.. N Yuto's from Hey! Say! 08-09 concert..) Of course they r not exactly the same but u do get my point, right..

Right now I am captivated by "Mayonaka no Shadow Boy PV" and the song as well.. U guys should check it out.. To be frank, I like Yuto's unique voice as well.. N it's not becoz of Tackey.. Trust me..

Well, that's all from now.. Till next post.. Salam and ja ne..

Monday, February 1, 2010

Nice movie.. I agree with you..

I cried.. That's all I can say after watching "tada kimi wo aishiteru".. It's just unexpected.. She died.. Another sad ending movie.. Like 1 litre of tears, taiyou no kisetsu and maou.. The story line really touched me.. No wonder even a DoS guy like jun-kun cried.. He used more than 10 sheets of tissues surprisingly.. Even I don't cry that much.. lol..

ps: I didn't realize that I've left my external h/disk untouched for quit a long time..

Till next time.. Salam n ja..

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Guess So..

Tuesday morning already.. Hhmm.. Come on.. It just started.. Tons of work to be settled.. I can be stressed out now.. It is way too early..

I watched Johnny's 2009-2010 countdown last night.. It was fun.. What I love the most is the part where Johnny's idols singing each other songs.. Tanoshii.. Arashi with Kanjani 8 song "Sukiyanen Osaka" just hilarious.. Same goes too Kanjani 8 singing Arashi's song "One Love".. Though I'm not really into Kinki.. Nway, yesterday went well according to plan.. Alhamdulillah.. Yokatta.. I'm not hoping too much.. I did what I can and it depends on them now whether to accept me or not.. I guess being part of hp training is an advantage for me.. Yosh.. Gambare..

ps: I guess it is hard to accept it when you are fulled with pride and ego.. It makes me wonder do all guys the same??

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What to do??

Lj is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance..

Well, I guess I better finish up my work while waiting for lj then.. (ps: Arrgghh.. Work!! It will nvr finish.. Trust me..) Check out this pic.. It was from AnS on 18th Jan..

Juntoshi is the best.. Huhuhu.. N jun-kun with glasses is just kakkoi.. right.. You guys do agree with me, right.. Btw, I love the fact that both of them r gettin' fairer.. Unlike be4..

You know what.. I gtg.. Tons of work to do.. Till next time.. Salam n ja

Thursday, January 21, 2010


New year.. New determination.. New aim..

Jeezz.. I left this blog untouched quite a long time eh.. Since hp.. Well, I could say I'm busy but who doesn't right?? We r all in the state of working right now.. As juniors, there r a lot of stuff to learn.. to grab.. Even arashi's being left out.. Surprisingly.. If my friends know about this, they surely laugh at me.. I guess arashi is not my 1st priority anymore right now.. (ps: still completing them whenever I can though.. What can I say.. I'm addicted to them.. I'll be receiving their dvd next month.. Kyaa!!)

Enough about them.. I'm still searching the right opportunity right now.. Really hope to find something that suits me better than this.. (Though I enjoyed going to sngapre.. I wish I had more time since I've nvr been there.. No time to full around at all.. Isk2x..) Omg.. He's looking..

Well, I guess that's it for now.. Salam and ja

ps: Jun wears glasses instead of contacts like he used to.. Kakkoii..