Saturday, January 31, 2009

He does it AGAIN!!!

First of all, salam as usual.. However, I don't think I'll be nice or polite this time since what actually happened happens for only Allah knows how many time..

AGAIN... I just don't understand why he does that.. Did he get anything from a 17 or 18 year old girl?? Did she give him any benefit at all?? Money?? Of course not since she's still studying in some private college.. I bet he's the one that giving her the money... I mean allowance.. Of course since she's his adopted daughter for I don't know what reason.. Come on.. The first time he did it, the b**** (ops, sorry the gal I mean) name is Nik.. This time her name is Aisyah.. Nice name hah!! Beautiful too.. I met her once when her friend ask me to help her fill out the ptptn form.. N that was it.. I know u guys might be wondering why on earth am I hating her so much, right?? What can I say.. She gave me the worst first impression.. Even I as his true biological daughter would not do what she did that night.. She even call my dad 'Ayah'.. That's really taking my nerves.. Who the hell r u to think that u act deserve to call him that hah!! U r no one..

Of course that's what I thought that night not until recently I found out from my mom what act happened these days.. He's 54 for God sake.. Shouldn't you be spending most of ur time with God rather than with that *****!! Sorry for my worst wording but I really am mad right now... After knowing what happened, I just can't look at him anymore.. I know I wasn't supposed to be mad at him since I'm her daughter but I just can't respect him anymore.. It's not the first time!! It's just unacceptable for me..

He promised me that he'll never do it again when I found out for the first time when I was in part 2.. He said that we (my mom, sis, bro n me) will always be his priority.. But now?? After he promised not to do it again!!! Yakusoku... I guess for him they r just words that are useful to cover up the mess that already done n to get back my faith in him.. U know what, just go to h***!! I guess u didn't realise that I'm not a child anymore.. I'm old enough to think which is good n bad.. N what u did is just... BAD.. N the worst part is, it looks like u don't even learn from ur mistake at all.. U should aware enough the consequences or effects right.. But u still do it.. Yes, with diff gal but the age?? Ayah, u r my only dad.. I don't want to hate u.. U know I don't.. Fine, if u don't act care my feeling, what about moms?? She can't stand it anymore u know.. She's crying almost every night.. I really hope u open up ur mind.. It's just not worth it.. Who'd u turn to if u hve probs hah?? Just think about that.. That gal will not give u any good..

ps: do u believe in dreams?? I hope what happened is just a nightmare for me.. Huhuhu.. Ja

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Couple ssme kls...

Dh.. Ak nk tutup kes gaduh2 tue.. Hrp2 lps nie, xde lg kes gdh2.. Yg lps tu lps.. Kte bkk buku baru.. N sebt psl buku bru.. Kali ni ak nk snth bab couple.. Hahaha.. Xdela, sje nk snth topik nih.. Memndgkn kebykn studnt sebaye ak ni couple.. Act, semlm mmbr ak tetibe ty ak cmni.. "Min, kalo ak couple ngn bdk klas kite, cne? Ok x?" Ak pn dgn rse trkejut + ingin thnyer, ak trs ty die.. "Spe bdk llaki tuh? Bdk grup kite ke? A... ke? B... ke?" Die gelak jerk.. Lps tuh, die ty ak spe yg ak rse sesuai ngn die.. Huhu.. Bleh plak ty soaln cmtuh.. Ak ni pyla curious nk th spe la bdk yg die mksdkn.. Last2 die kte, "Ak gurau jela.. Xkn la ak nk couple ngn bdk klas"

Lps tuh ak trfikir.. Npe die ckp cmtu? Xle ke kite nk couple ngn bdk yg sekls ngn kite?? Ssh ke nk maintain? Ak xth sbb ak mmg xprnh couple ngn bdk klas sndiri.. In fact, uppa ak bkn jerk xsme klas ngn ak, die pn bljr kt tmpt len skrg nih.. Ktrg knl pn scr xsengaje time prtndingn nasyid atr skola2 even die bdk skola ak.. So, ak mmg xde xperience dlm hal nie..

Tp pd pndpt ak la.. Ak kalo bleh nk elakkn drpd couple ngn bdk klas ak sndiri sbb nth.. Ak rse sshla nk survive.. Nk2 kalo dpt bf/gf yg thp jealousnnyer agk tinggi.. Yelah, xknla asyik nk brkepit ngn die je kn.. Kite kne gak brkwn ngn org len.. Lgpn ak rse mcm prgauln kte ngn org len agak trbats.. Tol x? Kte msti akn spend most of the time ngn die.. Mkn ngn die.. Gi klas ngn die.. Kalo de keje projek pn sme.. Mesti kte wat ngn die.. Kn.. Kalo ak.. Ak rimasla kalo asyik tgk muke die.. Mybe pd sestgh org ak ni plik sket tp nth.. Pd ak, dh xde serinyer kalo asyik ngn die jerk.. Kalo jumpe pn, mcm dh xde bnde nk citer, nk kongsi.. Tp tu just opinion ak jerk.. Len org len cre die.. De org yg ske kalo dpt spend most of her time with her So, in d end, it act depnd on d indi itself.. Some might feel that the quantity is the most important thing n some think that the quality is most important thing in a relationship.. Whatever it is, love urself first be4 u luv some1 else.. Till then wassalam n ja..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stress sgt ke??

Sdr x sdr.. Dh 14 hr kte mask thn 2009.. Thn krmt bg kebykn bdk kos ak.. Tu yg rmai yg stress, cpt terase n bile dh terase tuh, dela yg sentap.. Yelah, dgn nk siapkn fyp nyer, n/w nyer.. Mestila stress.. Bile dh stress tuh, byk la cre yg digunekn tuk releaseknnyer.. Trmasukla dgn cre menykt n brgurau sesame sndiri... Cume yg mnjd isunyer skrg nih, de tu yg xfkrkn pe impactnyer ke ats org yg diguraukn..

Ak kt cni, xmmihk kpd sesape n xjugak nk point kt sesape.. Bak kte org, spe yg mkn cili, diela yg terase pedsnyer kn.. Sumenyer brmule ngn trtubuhnyer grup batch ak di yahu grup. Ak th setiap org de kebbsan tuk brsuare n tulis pepn yg dorg nk kt ctu tp yg ak xske, de yg mggunekn yahu grup tu sbg medn tuk menyaktkn hat org len.. Slps frenster.. Pd ak, nk suarekn pndpt 2 xslh, yg slhnyer tu ble mybe scr xsengajenyer, kt menyggung perasaan org len.. Kalo xsetuju, or xske, just bgtau yg kte xske.. Tp jgnla kuarkn sumthing else yg xsptutnyer.. Lgpun, pd ak, bnde yg dibhskn tu bnde kecik jerk n just tuk ske2.. Bkn tuk mnmbh kestressn yg mmg dh sedie de..

Tujuan grup adlh tuk merptkn ukhuwah, bkn nk menjurgknnyer lg.. Ak just xfhm, knp isu mtrik n dip le timbul.. Andaian yg bdk mtrik sombg n brlgk bgs drpd bdk dip.. Pe motifnyer bg org yg trlibt tuh brfikir cmtu.. Xkn sbb trjumpe 1@2 org yg cmtu, die dh assume yg dorg mmg cmtu.. Ak rse ni xadil... Don't judge a book by its cover.. Ayh ak slalu psn cmtu.. Ok, isu tuh nway ak hrp dh lapok since kte dh 3 sem brsme.. Kn.. Yg trbaru psl tema.. Spt yg ak mention earlier, bnde tu bnde kcik n ske2.. Just tuk meriahkn lg suasne je.. Tp de gak yg mggunekn isu tu tuk mengeruhkn keadaan yg mmg dh sedie kruh bg yg trlibt tuh.. Ak kalo le xnkla smpai grad pn msih nk benci mmbenci.. Msg2 dh dewase, dh matured.. Dhle fkr mne yg bek, mne yg x.. Xkn bnde kecik cmtu pn nk dijdkn isu kot..

Come on la.. Gunela common sense sket.. Kdg2 tue, ak rse mls nk tgk emel sbb xnk menyakitkn hat ble bce emel grup walaupn ak xtrlibt.. Ak th ak xlyk nk remind sesape tp tolongla jgn nk tgk kesalhn org len jerk.. Jugde diri sndiri dlu sblm kte judge org len.. Remind diri sndiri dlu sblm remind yg len.. Kalo nk wat pape, fkr dlu ksnnyer.. Pe yg kte akn rse kalo org len wat cmtu kt kte plak..

Nobody's perfect.. Itulh yg ak slalu pegg but never repeat the same mistake twice since we've already know the outcome.. Tu jela.. Ak pn bkn slalu btol.. Ak th tue.. Thanx pd kengkwn yg sntiase bg ak nasiht walaupn kgkdg tuh perit gak nk tln.. Bgt jgk ngn org len.. So, pepndaila.. k. Ak nie bkn ske nk express pe yg ak rse cme ak xthnla ngn pe yg brlaku skrg nih.. Ak kalo le, xnk mnmbhkn stress yg sedie de.. Ak rse sme pn cmtu.. Ckpla ngn study.. Kla, nih dh pnjg lbr ak tulis kt blog.. which ak xprnh wat.. Just hrpn ak agr bnde ni xbrlarutn.. Tu jerk.. Akhir kalam, wassalam n bye..