Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I'm not that obsessed.. Huhuhu

My friend told me that I'm really into Arashi.. I think so too.. Not until I took this quiz.. Check this out..

You are 60% obsessed with Arashi.

As far as the Japanese fandom is concerned, those who are 51-67% obsessed with a Japanese boy band is pretty much as normal as it gets. Congratulations, you know more than the average newbie, but you also have more things to learn about our favorite boys! :)

Huhuhu.. It's proven I'm not really obsessed with them.. Maybe just a little..

Monday, December 14, 2009


That's the only thing that I can say.. I guess I was controlled by my anger at that time.. My emotional taken over my rational.. I didn't think of the outcome when I wrote my last post.. So, again.. I apologize from the bottom of my heart..

I didn't actually meant it that way.. Like I said, when I'm mad, I just don't think of others.. Just my point of view.. I'm the only one that is right.. Everyone else is wrong.. I guess, being an adult is tough.. You can't put your blame to anyone else.. Not even your parents.. You have to learn to decide everything on your own.. Think of the consequences of your actions..

Right now, I'm trying my very best to do those things.. Correctly.. I'll try not to blame anyone even if it is not really my fault.. Lastly, for my friends(if they considered me as their friend).. I'm sorry.. I don't wanna give any excuses at all.. Lots of things happening to me right now.. Keeping silence or not talking to you doesn't mean that I don't care.. I just don't wanna hurt anyone.. Not anymore.. I'm afraid if I open my mouth, something bad will just come out of it.. Try to understand and please bear with it.. Just for 4-5 more days..

ps: Am I ready to work in Cyberjaya?? I wonder..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Ak xtau npe.. Tp lately ak rse stress sgt.. Stress ngn training, ngn family.. Ngn org yg xfhm bhs kiasn.. Ak xtau same de die sengaje @ x tp ak rse die sepatutnyer dh sedie mklum.. Ak dh pn bralih tmpt.. Hrp die fhm la kn.. Ok ak bg die space.. Yela, ak pn dh xlme dh.. ak tau tu tp ak still de hak gak kn.. Ak kalo le mls nk ckp pape.. Msg2 dh besr, dh tau nk fikir..

"Laa, sbrla.." Tp sbr pn de batasnyer gak kn.. Xpe, 2 minggu lg.. Lps tuh, die xkn nmpk muke ak lg.. Ak pn xkn nmpk muke die.. Aarrrgghh.. Geramnyer!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Eh.. Maji??

Ak bru lps wat kuiz.. "What lip gloss flavor r u?" Tau x pe ak dpt??

Same sih nme..

Fresh and cool. Mints are forever calm and collected, they are responsible and always keep their promises.

They can either be extremely liked or extremely disliked by people, they are nature lovers and are the most diplomatic flavor.
Extremely true.. 4 me la..

They do have great justice and never give up, unless they knew they have already lost. they think practically and rationally, which makes them a passive flavor in general
Passive eh.. I wonder..

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Xtau npe.. Blek jerk drpd hp bdn rse lmh giler.. Kulit plak bile kne air, rse cm kne cucuk jarum.. Tp ak tbhkn diri utk mandi jugak la.. Sbb ak fikir, mybe lps mndi ak akn jd lbh segar.. Tup2 bdn rse seram sejuk semcm jerk.. Eloknyer td xyah cuci rmbut.. Tula, gatal.. Siap plak rndam bju.. Konon2nyer nk cuci.. Xpe2.. Akn kubasuh juge bju tuh..

Meen, tbh2.. Lwn sket.. Jgn jd lemah sgt.. Setakt demam, batuk, seseme nih.. Xde bndenyer.. Mujurla td xtrkantoi ngn is.. Kalo x, xtaula cne.. Mesti kne lecture brjam2.. Kla, nk gi cuci bju jap.. Hrp2 esok okn brtmbh ok..

Nerd ke ak nih??

"Don't panic. Being a nerd isn't as harsh as the name implies."
Harusla kene panik.. De ker ak nie nerd?? Xlgsg ak rse..

"You are smart and don't hesitate to answer a question. You excel in school and just because you like it doesn't mean you can't/don't have a life."
Kalo ak struggle, mesti ak lbh brjaye drpd skrg.. Tp, tula.. Sejak drpd sek ren lg.. Brtgguh tuh mmg aknyer forte.. Xtau npe.. Bile dh lps, bru nk nyesal.. Tp xlme.. Bnde tuh akn brulng gak sampai skrg.. Hhmm..

"Just remember to relax and have fun too, because your only a kid once."
Ak dh trlalu byk relax.. Time to focus..