Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Make-Up Suits You Best!!

Classy and Sophisticated!

You want something to match your personality so why not something natural and earthy to highlight your eyes. The less shimmer, the more attention is drawn to your eyes. I suggest Sephora for their naturals and much variety!

Can u imagine me in that kind of make up?? Hhhmm.. No way right..

Monday, March 29, 2010

How social are you!!


You are in the middle of everything. You can get bored easily; you have good friends but they don't seem to call you much. You lack of self-confidence. You need to stop waiting and start doing ok? :)

Hahah.. So min-pui..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Aahhh.. Serabut...

Serabut giler kepale otak ak nih..
Perl la.. Projectory la.. Mapping la..
Pe bnde la nih.. Xfhm lgsg pe yg die nk..
Tu blom msk agile ngn tomcat lg..
Phmla cpt sket..
Bkn nk handle bnde nih jerk..

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ak trpergkap..

Mne la ak th yg tangge kecemasn tuh xle bkk drpd dlm..
Ak pg ctu pn utk stretchkn bdn ak.. Tepsl2.. Dh de record buruk..
Moral of the story, jgn nk wat sumthing tuh sesuke hati..
Kn dh kne ngn pakcik security tuh..


I wonder..

I don't know whether this can be considered as bored or sleepy..
I'm listing my fav Arashi's songs alphabetically.. With 2 songs(fast n slow) for each alphabet..
Not that I don't have anything to do..
There's so many things to settle..
From Mimos to Ericsson..
Lots of ebooks to read.. Tutorials.. But still, I'm doing unrelated stuff..
God, give me strength to finish up my tasks.. My responsibilities..
Min, gambatte..

Still early..

I came late than usual today.. I was stuck in traffic jams.. Maybe becoz I woke up late too..
U know, everyday.. When I come here, I always wonder.. At what time do they arrive or do they sleep here? Becoz they've always already been here when I come but go home after me..

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Agaknyer mmg slh ak...
Ak nie pntgkn diri sgt kot..
Xkish lgsg org len..
Sbb tula..
Tp nk wat cmner??
Terime jerk..
Sakit pn.. sakitla..

Thursday, March 18, 2010


It's only 5.40 pm.. 20 mins more to go.. Why am I this sleepy..??
It must be because I overslept last night.. I never sleep for 8 hours before.. It usually be 3 - 4 hours of sleeping..
I guess electricity does effected my sleeping hours.. Whole kajang was out of electricity last night until I think 11 pm.. I guess so.. I woke up because I was sweating really bad last night.. N because of that I accidentally knew when the electricity is ok.. (ps: If only I went back late yesterday.. like usual).. I was planning to update my lj and blogspot last night.. Well.. What can I say.. What past is past, right..
Act, there's sum-thing else I wanna update about.. But it's at home.. So, till next time.. Ja..

Monday, March 15, 2010


watashi wa hontōni ..shinu tsumori da

watashi ..koto wo rikai shi te i nai karera wa nani wo , jissai ni wa yaku tonikaku ..hanashi te iru

TS .. OMT ..これは何UFTEているすべての??
TS .. OMT .. kore wa nani UFTEte iru subete no ? ?

bun , anata no saikō no ..shiyo u

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bleh ke nih?

Pg2.. Tgh best2 wat air, hp ak bunyi.. "Ak tidur kjg minggu dpn.. Mak Yoggy blek kdh.. Nnti, ko tidur ngn dewi eh.."

Kakak ak akn tinggl kt rmh sepnjg minggu dpn sbb mak n ayh mentue die blek kedh.. Die kte die dtg ahad mlm.. Kalo ikutkn, ak xkish tp ssh sketla kot.. Kalo dulu time xkeje xpe.. Ni, pg2 kne bgn, mandi, siap2 gi pejbt..

Ak bkn risokn emmet.. Tp dewi.. Ak kne duk seblek ngn die.. Msti weird giler.. Nthla.. Xtaula cne.. Hhmm..

Cnila.. Blek nnti cube ty umi ngn ayh cne.. Lgpun along duk seminggu jerk.. Semntare cuti sek.. Bknnye lme pn kn..

ps : Cptla mse brlalu.. Xnk fikir psl Mimos lg dh.. Nk focus kt Ericsson jerk.. Arashi.. anata ga i naku te sabishii desu..

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1 week is over..

I can't act describe what I feel.. working in klcc.. with being the only malay n muslim here.. What I do know, I have to work hard.. Being hired here for me is pretty lucky since this company has bad experience with bumiputeras including malays.. 2 of malay employees who used to work here did sumthing bad and they've been given 24 hours notice because of that.. I don't know what actually happened but I do believe what they did must be really bad.. N effect this company's reliability.. 2 months notice is normal but 24 hours?? I don't think so..

Anyway, u guys must be wondering why I consider myself lucky, right.. Well, just to say that I got this job because my manager(who's the 1st interviewer for my 1st interview section) wanted to hire me in the 1st place after interviewing me.. She even convinced MD to take me during my 2nd interview.. Lucky, right.. Yeah.. I guess maybe the timing is right.. You know, when I got my final result, looking at my cgpa.. I was really down, disappointed because for me I won't get any job with this cgpa.. But thankfully, I do get it.. n surprisingly fast too.. I guess Allah really does care about me.. N I'm really grateful for that.. I really do.. N what I need to do now, is to prove that I'm what they've been searching for.. Hiring me is worthwhile for them.. Gambaremassu..