Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rilex sejenak..

Sgt2 stress skrg nih..
Keadaan ak sgt2 kritikal.. (ps : Ko sakit ke? Xkan.. Yg tulis kritikal tuh, pe kejadahnyer??)

Dateline smakin hampir..
Mse smakin singkat..
Testing + training in.. 2 weeks ++

Tp skrg, nk rilex jap..

De org ty ak..
"Nape org yg kite ske, xske kt kite.. Tp org yg kite xske plak yg ske kt kite.."

Jwpn ak sng je..
1. Mungkin org yg kite ske tuh, bkn yg trbaik utk kite n kite bkn yg trbaik utk die..
    (ps : Nk sedapkn hati member ke sndiri??)
2. Sape kite utk xske kt org?? Bgs sgt ke kite nih compare dgn die?? Layak ke kite wat cmtu kt die??

Ak pn slalu wat bnde yg sme..
Ske sgt xske kt org..
Prmpn ni xcantik la..
Llaki ni xhandsome la..
Org ni jahat la..
Tp xprnh sedar diri tu cne..
Kite kte org xcantik, kite ni cantik ke?? (ps : Mmg xpon)
Kite kte org ni jahat, kite ni baik ke??
Sape kite tuk nilai org lain.. Toll x..
Xtaula npe, tp ak bru sedar sume tu skrg..
Npela xdrpd dulu ak prsn bnde2 nih??

ps : Alex, thanks for what u've done.. I really appreciate it.. Just give me time to think.. K

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Scene Tour 10-11 :: MC review

The mc this time is interesting..
Looking at their expressions and replies for each topic being discussed, sugoi omoishiroi..

1. Complaining Aiba-chan introduction during Attack It!..

Sho-kun said that Aiba-chan intro is weird..

Disagreed Aiba-chan..

Jun-kun agreeing Sho-chan..

Nino tried to understand Aiba-chan situation..

Everyone agreed to Aiba-chan..

2. One Love pattern..

Sho-kun started the topic..

Sho-kun listed up all available choreography for One Love..

Both Nino and Jun-kun reaction towards Sho-kun's explanation..

3. Sho-kun wearing a tank top..

Unrealised Sho-kun on the upcoming topic by Nino..

Dork Nino forcing O-chan n Aiba-chan to loose up their jacket..
Being the victim of unable to choose the inner shirt himself, Sho-kun tried to explain..
The topic dropped after that..

4. Jun-kun dorama ; Natsu Niji..

Cute Nino told the members how he followed 2 girls to combini when he accidentally heard them talking about 'Junnosuke" drama Natsu Niji.. (ps:There are fans who still called Jun-kun "Junnosuke" ne.. Watched AnS to know what I mean.. =)..)

The topic continued with Sho-kun's story..

He told them he did watched the drama while preparing himself for News Zero.. One of the stylist asked him whether he'll be jealous watching Jun-kun love scene and he said no..

Sho-kun reaction if he is jealous of Jun-kun.. It would be bad for others to see him acting like that ne..

Continue with O-chan side.. (ps:Cruel Nino to be asking O-chan about this.. However, this part is interesting.. U can never expect anything from Arashi ne..)

O-chan reaction when he was asked by Nino on Natsu Niji next episode..

O-chan replied by saying the 8th episode..

Jun-kun happy reaction on O-chan replied.. He then asked riida what he liked best in 7th episode..

"The kissing scene in 8th eh.. 7th episode.." (ps:Cute O-chan trying to answer it)

The doubt answer making Jun-kun questioning riida whether he really watched the drama or not..

Honest O-chan making other members get surprised even more.. 

At this point, Aiba-chan's voice was getting hoarser.. Poor him..

5. Nino dorama ; Freeter Ie wo Kau..

Well, totally me being a fandom.. Nothing else.. I dunno y but I just love this screenshot..

Another jun-biased.. Doesn't he looked cute wearing the hood towel?? Mecha2 kawaii, ne..
Next, back to Nino drama..

Nino asked the fans when Freeter will be aired.. No-answer situation causing the members to help him up.. He said during that time, the official date has not been out yet.. This than lead to Nino assumption on him appearing in the last episode of Natsu Niji..

Poor Nino being teased by all of them.. However, he did appeared in Natsu Niji last episode as the lightman.. Yea!!

6. Sho-kun movie;  Kamisama no Karute..

It started with Jun-kun asking whether the filming already started or not.. This will then continue to Nino shortening the title to "Kami-Karu", "Sarute" and "Samarute" and Aiba-chan's story on founding a stethoscope in Sho-kun's car..

7. O-chan ; Yukai Tsukai Kaibutsu-kun

Things getting more interesting with other members interaction with Kaibutsu-kun..

Don't u guys agree he's just soo adorable..

8. Johnny's Intro Quiz by Aiba-chan..

Jun-kun answered all 2 questions before O-chan's appearence..

(1) Kinki Kids - Distance
(2) Arashi - Hoshi no Freeway

O-chan didn't managed to answer the last song.. Even though they played the chorus of the song after he requested for it.. Don't worry riida.. We still love u no matter what.. =)

Continue next post for disc 2.. =)

Scene Tour 10-11 :: CD1 review

Arashi Scene Tour 10-11 held on 3rd September 2010 at Kokuritsu..
Honestly, I like 5x10 concert better than this one..
Why?? I'm not sure.. But of course, I wasn't supposed to compare them since both concerts are for different type of album.. 
5x10 -> Compilation album..
Scene Tour -> Full album..

Arashi Scene Tour 10-11; Kimi to Boku no Miteiru Fuukei.. I considered this as an adult concert..
You can actually see they are getting more mature than previously.. Performance-wise.. not age-wise..
And more sweat as well.. It's quite hard to capture a good shot because that..

This concert started of with Movin' on..

-Screen shots for Movin' On until Happiness-

During the opening, Arashi went out through a glass door with water flowing on it.. So basically, the water also sprinkles towards them quite a bit.. I always love this song.. It's one of my favourite in the album.. However, because the floor is wet, they don't dance much for this song..
The costume they wore is really nice.. The costume remained until Everything..

-Screen shots during Attack It! and Everything-

They loosen up the jacket they wore earlier in the middle of Attack It! song.. Personally, I like this con version of Attack It!!.. Hear it urself then u'll understand y..

-Screen shots during Rock You n Kitto Daijyoubu-

Nino joined a litle bit late because he had his solo performance before this.. I love screen shot no 2 the most.. The dance move Jun-kun, O-chan n Nino made during the intro of Kitto Daijyoubu.. Mecha kawaii.. N the costume they used during this time is very colourful.. 

-Screen shots during Hadashi no Mirai-

-Screen shots during A Day in Our Life and Summer Splash-

There are Juntoshi and Ohmiya moments in A Day and water splashing towards the end of Summer Splash.. Lucky for O-chan, he didn't encounter it since he was off to get ready for his solo next...

-Screen shots during Mukae ni Iku Yo until Hero-

Sho-kun off from the stage earlier to get ready for his solo next..

-Screen shots during Let Me Down until One Love-

Let Me Down, one of the song I love besides Movin' On.. I even like the choreography or dance move for this song.. Sho-kun appearence during the rap part also proves that Arashi is really good in planning their time during the concert.. Though I'm a jun-biased, I totally agree Sho-kun looked soo cool in that outfit..

CD 1 continued with the MC part which I'll write in the next post.. 
Till then, ja n salam..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Suddenly people im me..
Saying I sent ym to them..

Its weird...
I just went out for lunch..

Only then I knew..
I've been attacked by BotNet (Thanks chip for telling me this info)
What I need to do now?
Change all my password..

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Addicted.. Seriously..

Arashi new single.. Lotus..
I think personally, the second song that I'm addicted with..
Besides Truth...

Kalo dgr, mmg xcukup skali..
Mesti nk wat 'continuous' mode kt real player tuh..
Dgr sehari suntuk pn xpe..
Cam Truth la..
Sampai skrg addicted..

Single nie.. Blom kuar lg..
Official release :: 23th Feb 2011
Tp bese la.. certain2 radio kt japan dh main lagu nih..
Esp the one conducted by arashi.. Cam BayStorm, ArashiDiscovery.. Ak xsure Jun-kun ngn Aiba-chan nyer channel..

Tgk preview pv die..
Somehow similar to Monster..
With white costume..

Can't wait to watch the full version of the pv..
Can't wait to hear the whole single..
There are 2 version of the single... LE and RE..
LE with the pv and RE with 1 added song..

Kla, SAB dh menunggu tuh..
Nk run test jap.. (ps : susahnyer bile de 7 hr different)
Till next time..
Salam n ja..

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Otanjoubi Omedatou!!!

Hari nie b-day Dyb 3A33..
Mmg sntiasa di hati...
Cne le dpt idea 3A33 time tuh, ntah..
Maybe sbb nme ktrg sume start ngn A..
Nway, happy birthday Dyb..
Life kt johor tough.. Kt kl pn sme..
Zutto shiawase ne..

ps: In the process of reviewing Scene Tour 10-11 dvd.. I'll post it soon k.. Ja