Monday, May 20, 2013

ARAFES Review Part 3 :: CD 2

CD 2 started with the no. 1 single, Face Down..

- Screen shots for Face Down until Hadashi no Mirai -

Love their outfit so much.. Just like the one used during Tokei Jikake.. Is it just me, or Matsujun looked super kakkoi in ARAFES..Is it because of the hair color?? Or his hair style?? His hair definitely looks good even from the side.. KYA!!!

- Screen shots for A.RA.SHI and Kansha Kangeki Ame Arashi -

I must say, these two songs are the must perform songs during any concert.. A.RA.SHI since it is their debut song.. Kansha normally to represent their gratitude towards their success.. To the fans, to their families.. Basically to anyone that has always being there for them.. Always behind their back, supporting them..

- Screen shots for Akashi until Sakura Sake -

In conjunction to their Popcorn album and tour, Akashi being performed right after the short promo.. Love this song so much.. Kinda addicted actually.. But since this song is actually for Popcorn, treat this as a gift from the boys.. ^_^ Somehow, starting from 5x10, hanabi(firework) n Love So Sweet somehow inseparable ne..

- Screen shots for Eyes with delight until Voice -

As far as I noticed, there r 2 shots for Matsumiya pairing during these performances.. KYA!!! Eyes of Delight.. Can't believe this song actually included.. Natsukashii ne.. Somehow, Matsujun still remembers the choreography.. Chou stoic.. Super cute when Nino watched him when he danced too.. MATSUMIYA!!!

Finally, end of ARAFES..
Popcorn next..
I know I targeted before Perhentian..
But as I predicted, murii deska ne..

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