Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I just received email from the department support administrator..
The result that I thought will only come out on Friday..
It seems will be out tomorrow..

I'm so not ready for this..
N surprisingly, it showed just now..
How scared I was..
At least, he saw it..
I dunno about others..
He said it was sooo obvious..
He advised me..
He tried to cheer me up..
But I guess, I'm just to scared..
AY, thanks for the support..
I really appreciate it..
U r such a good senior and brother(kinda..)..

I guess, like what he said..
Nothing can be done now..
What I need to do..
Is to come down..
Try to relax myself..
Not to be too stressed over this..
N just wait for the email to be sent..

I'm surprised that he actually worried of me..
He actually noticed that something is bothering me..
Which definitely make me fall for him even more..
But I know.. He already thought of me as his sister..
Maybe that's why he's so concerned..
Min, gambaro!!
U need to forget about him..

1 comment:

1DiE_117 said...

The result officially announced today..
The 3 people who passed the exam are also known..
Just as what I expected..
Well, nothing can be done now..
N though they passed, the marks r not much different from mine..
Just try harder next time..

ps: Hopefully I don't have to pay for the re-sit examination.. RM500 is a LLOOOOTTT!!