Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Thanks Boss..

Ak blaja hari ni..
Ak brterime kasih..
Pade boss aka manager aka counselor ak...
Sbb sedarkan diri ini yg lupe diri..
Ak mengambil mase yg agak lame utk recover lps diberitahu..
Mule2 duduk kat seat ni sambil cube utk brtenang..
Tp xboleh..
Ak gerak ke ladies..
Menangis semahunye..

Jujurnye, ak malu sbb diberitahu dgn kehadiran org lain di situ..
Rase sgt terkesan, sgt kecewe..
Semangat ak drop to zero..
Dan ak rase sgt2 brsalah sbb die byk support ak sblm ni..
Always be there whenever I face any issue, any obstacle..
Pendek cite, die truly is my manager yg sentiase di sisi..

Ak hilangkan kepercayaan die kat ak..
Imagine if ur superior no longer trust u, what makes u feel..
Its the worst feeling ever..
Pahit nak telan, tp itulah hakikatnye..
N all happen when I dun even realize it..

Ye, ak xsedar ape yg ak buat tu salah..
Mase ak tanye director ak pasal status testing team kat kl..
Ak lgsg xtrfikir yg bnde tu mengakibatkan boss ak dimarahi director tu..
Ak cume tanye utk kepastian.. Utk hilangkan rase ingin tahu dlm diri ini..
Lgsg xtrfikir pasal backstabbing, badmouthing, menyalahkan sesape..
Silap ak, sbb ak xfikir panjang pasal sume ni..

Bile boss ak kate, silap die utk share ape yg die tahu dgn kami sume..
Brtambah rase brsalah ak..
Nape die mesti hukum org lain sbb ak..

Die ade dtg sini sblm ak ke ladies..
Katenye die joke..
Tp pade ak, die mmg maksudkan ape yg die cakap..
Xkisahla kalo org nak kate ak ni over sensitif..
Ak mmg mudah sensitif dgn bnde2 camni..

Tak taula cane nak face sume org especially boss ak tu lps ni..
He's always d person i lookout for kalo ade ape2..
Ak mesej die utk mintak maaf..

"Sorry boss.. didn't think of it that far when i asked km.. honestly, i never thought of backstabbing u when i asked him.. just my curiosity.. sorry again for dealing with the consequences of my selfish action.. n thanks for letting me know.. u r right, going forward its best to exclude me for any information that u received so things won't happened again.. sorry ya.. i'll accept whatever u share n won't act further.. thanks for still acting the way u r after what happened.."

Tp things will definitely changed..
There's boundary to everything..
Once is enough to overshadow everything else..

This surely is a lesson learnt..
That will effect my being in the team as long as I'm here..
Whether I like it or not..
Whether its a joke or not, I need to prepare myself to walk this path alone from now on..

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