Thursday, June 8, 2017

Gembire bile rase diperlukan..

Pagi tadi.. tetibe manager ak singgah..
"Siti.. Nak confirm dgn u la.."
"U confirm ke no news for BASF?"
Eh, BASF kan tgh uat skrg..
"Confirm la.. So far no news also from my PM.. Why? UAT got issue?"
"Nola.. this email.."
Die tunjuk emel die kat ak..
De org propose name ak utk support UAT kat BASF..
Tp utk Benefit Module..
Mksdnye projek lain la.. Under org lain..

Ak tau, mase ak kat BASF, company ak handle 2 bende..
AU Tax Schema change dgn Benefit..
Kirenye dorg nak ak support projek satu lagi nila..
"U confirmkan no one update u anything on this?
If like that, I just reply back u already have assignment la july onwards.."
Die terus reply kat dorg yg ak xle nak support..
Patutla mase die dtg td, muke die cam serabut sikit..

"Stress I sume nak tangkap u..
One shell project also nak tangkap u sept-dec..
Takle la since u have this project.."
"Nola boss, they thought I'm available.. Thats why.."
Die gelak je..

Alhamdulillah la..
Yg BASF tu, rasenye sbb ak prnh keje ngn dorg..
Senang nak renew contract kot..
Ak pun dah tau selok-belok keje dorg kat sane..
Working hours.. rules..
Yg shell tu, bekas PM ak nye projek..
Gembire jugakla sbb die nak ambik ak semule utk projek die..
Masih percaye ngn kerje ak..
Brsyukur bile pe yg ak buat, diterime org lain..

Note: Bln Ramadhan ni ak agak free.. Alhamdulillah.. Lps raye, start pulun semule la.. Huhuhu

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