Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sgale yg manis, pasti ade pahitnye..

Realiti hidup..
Yg indah, pasti ade buruknye..
Yg gembire, pasti ade tangisannye..
Yg bagus, pasti ade kelemahannye..

Brmule 15hb Ogos ritu, dep ak secare officialnye dibahagi 2..
1 GT&AS, 1 HRC..
Xtrmasuk product yg dah stahun trpisah..
Pendek citenye, co ni, testing dep de 3 division > 1. GT&AS 2. Product 3. HRC
Stiap division de tugas n projek yg bbeze..

Ak ingt bile ak dpt surat counter offer 15hb ritu, team ak je yg diserap masuk ke HRC..
Rupenye de 11 org.. Drpd 29 org yg masih tinggal (Including mgmt)..
Ye, ramai yg kate congrats kat kitorang sbb masuk HRC..
Not that we have the option to choose, except for myself la..

Ok, ak treat bnde tu sbg brite gembire..
Masuk HRC mksdnye mase dpn lebih cerah.. Lebih trjamin..
Since skrg dh byk sgt rumor yg KL branch akan ditutup..
In fact skrg pun, HYD is their main priority for testing..
People resigning in KL but the massive hiring is in HYD..
So, drpd situ pun dh nampak the gloomy days we'll be having..
Dh le predict the uncertain future for testing team in KL..
So being in HRC surely is a stepping stone for 11 of us..

Cume 1 yg ak xfaham..
Nape bnde ni tak diinform formally..
Ye, ak dpt tau awal sbb HRC counter offer ak..
Tp 10 yg lain, dorg langsung xdberitau..
Dorg hanye tau pade 21hb ritu yg dorg dah pun masuk HRC..
Tanpe peluang utk pilih..
If that's not worse enough..

Team mates lain yg tinggal..
Mereke yg masih under GT&AS..
Director lgsg xinform dorg the situation..
News yg sgt penting camni, that pramod guy..
Die bleh je lepas tangan..
If u asked me, I would think of myself as a ball..
Being tossed around, without having any rights to defend myself..

Ye, ak juge akan marah.. Bengang dgn keputusan yg dibuat..
Nape ak tak trmasuk dlm 11 org tu??
Pe kurangnye ak drpd dorg??
N to make things worst, sbb xde formal announcement..
Even ak rase the mgmt not being fair to them..
Treating them like that, despite the service they've given..

Ntahla, mgkin ak yg naif..
Naif dgn dunie prniagaan yg hanye mmntingkan kuntungan..
Naif dgn prmainan politik prniagaan..

Ye, ak rase sgt brtuah krane trpilih..
Dlm mase yg same, rase brsalah..
Rase brsalah, sbb knape ak, yg junior ni, trpilih..
Tp bkn mereke, yg jauh lg senior, yg jauh lg bagus, trpilih..
Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful with what I have, with what I got..
But I can't hide the sentimental part of me, that felt guilty..

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