Thursday, February 16, 2017

2017 Cancer Horoscope

Seperti dijanjikan dlm post smlm, brmule la marathon 2017 Horoscope..
Shii jang..

Taken from this link..

Cancer Horoscope


2017 can be a high-water year full of major achievements, crucial decisions and changes for you, Cancer. Great things are possible with so much trans-formative energy aimed your way.

The January Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn is also square Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries. This creates a T-square that points straight at Cancer. Your home life, domestic environment, your home town, your country, and your home planet Earth rarely get this much celestial attention. Make great progress on any or all of these home fronts as soon as you can. 

It's also a great year to successfully conclude a long, difficult project or to make that big change that takes you to a better place... geographically, mentally, and/or emotionally.

The separating conjunction of Mars and Neptune in Pisces gives you enhanced intuition and instincts. This offers powerful advantages all year long. Will you take them?

When the Sun enters Cancer, Mars will be there, too. Jupiter will be in the heart of Libra, your Fourth House of home, family, and the conclusion of things. This year may take some hard work, but great energy, luck, and generosity are at your fingertips all year long.


Single Cancerians have great romantic prospects in 2017. With Jupiter in Libra from January until early October, the dating world should be buzzing and opulent. Don't break the bank (or bait someone to do that for your pleasure), but enjoy some spectacular times with well-mannered, attractive new people.

2017 starts with an applying Moon-Venus conjunction in cool, clear-headed Aquarius. This can help you make quick, accurate first impressions, no matter how passionate the appeal is made to your heart.

When the Sun enters Cancer, a Moon-Venus conjunction in Taurus in your Eleventh House of social groups and organizations can pump up your social life and bring admirers your way.

When Jupiter enters Scorpio in October, romance turns more serious. If you're looking for a companion with long-term, deeper intentions, October through December looks very good to meet someone special or take a casual relationship to a new level of commitment.


Career, money, and work matters have powerful advantages from your stars in 2017. It's assured by the Sun-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn as the year begins.

If yearnings for extravagances can be controlled in June and early July, when Venus is in sensuous Taurus, your income and savings can easily be increased. 

Mars is in Cancer when the Sun enters your sign. Be more energetic and ambitious during the second half of the year.

Work consistently, keep good records, and be prepared for an ambitious December when opportunities may abound. Saturn enters hard-working Capricorn in December. The Sun conjoins Saturn on the same day as the Winter Solstice. Think of this as a powerboost to take into the next year, 2018!

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