Monday, July 18, 2011

Otanjoubi omedetou..

It's been a week already..
Since my bday is on last monday..
However, I only had the time to update my blog today.. Gomen ne..

Nothing special, really..
Just a normal day since I'm already old.. (ps: compared to my nephew.. huhuhu)
Thanks to all the wishes either from my degree frens, school frens, ex-college and my current college..
Not forgetting my beloved family.. (ps: It's kinda weird when my mum called me up on monday night.. since I'm staying with my sister at that time..)

My fren came that monday during lunchtime.. We had lunch.. Simple one.. Nothing fancy..
On our way back to my office, he handed me a paper bag with below thingy inside it..

Don't really expect to get that kinda thing since I'm not in that kinda age anymore..
Anyway, thanks for the lunch and Mr. MJ (ps: I think most of u guys know what MJ stands for)..
He called it a teddy but don't really look like a teddy to me.. More of a monkey??
Whatever it is, thanks again.. Chou ureshii..

Gtg.. There's KT session I need to prepare for..
Till next time, ja n salam..

ps: Would like to wish Happy Birthday to Hana and my Test Lead.. Zutto shiawasedess ne..

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