Friday, June 2, 2017

Can You Pass an Anger Management Test?

Saje ambik test ni since related ngn previous post..
Absolutely! You Pass!

Whether you've struggled with anger, jealousy, and all of their counterparts in the past or not - You've managed to work yourself into (or maintain) a very healthy state of being. Sure, you still get upset or find the occasional annoyance, but are not prone to outbursts or blowing situations out of proportion. Psychologically, you tend to work problems out directly with whomever may be the source of said issues, and actively make effort not to bottle things up. Many strong correlations between stress/anger levels and overarching health have been made - and your state of mind is a wonderful way to ensure a longer, healthier life!

Hahaha.. Ak akui ak memang jarang meletus depan org lain..
N ak xpernah lg kluarkan kate2 kesat even sorg2..
Tp ak sgtla pendendam orgnye..
Somehow, bleh plak pass test tu kan..

Pade yg nak cube.. Link

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