Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Maximum STRESS!!

Kalo Sho-chan ske ckp "Maximum Umai" dlm 'Arashi no Shukdaikun'.. Hr nie mrupekn hr plg stress wat ak..

Jgn ty npe.. Ak plg xske org ty ak npe.. Ktela pe pn.. Ak mmg cmni.. Just leave me alone.. That's the only thing I want..

Test bnde yg xtau fungsinyer.. Nila yg jd.. Try n error.. Dhla deal ngn hw.. Lgla sakit.. Wat plak vnc.. Kalo kt lab sndiri yg laju, wat la pe ragam pn.. Xdela jd stress melampau cmni.. Ni x, nk tunggu abisco mmi tu brgerak pn dh mkn mse.. Dh la tp ni 2j 40m.. Mne x stress ble fail..

Cbe ko jd ak.. Duk kt dpn pc nih bejam2, mengadap bnde yg sme.. Org len tego sket jerk, dh melenting kn.. Emo sungguh.. Sumenyer sbb test yg xpass2.. Kuar plak prob yg pelik2.. Nk kne trobleshoot lg (Need a lot of help from dev on MY n SE side)..

Act, to be frank.. I hate this project.. Of course it's a learning experience but testing something u know nothing about??? Sooo hard.. I hate doing something like this.. I hate to always depend on others to do my work.. Always asking people what to do.. Even I myself hate to be disturb when I'm doing work.. I think others too..

Sometimes, I just felt like going out from klcc.. Throwing down my pc.. Scream..

Of course, bnde tuh xkn selesaikn prob ak.. Testing tetap kne wat.. Xkn nk mkn gaji bute jerk kn.. Msk office.. chat, facebook, sms org.. Pe yg pasti, ak xnk wat cmtuh.. Ak nk company ni tau betape bruntungnyer hire malay kt cni..

I always try to think positive.. But sometimes, u just can't.. Keje kt cni, ak ngaku.. Byk ngajar ak.. Tp setiap hr hati ak sakit.. Bkn sbb workload jerk.. Environment.. Staff2 kt cni.. Ak th company ni de bad history ngn malay.. Tp xsume malay tuh sme.. Npela dorg ske judge a book by its cover?? Aaarrrggghh!! Hr2 ak try tbhkn hati ak utk dtg... Tgggjawab.. Ak xnk sbb ak, lg trok pndgn dorg kt malay.. N kalo le, ak xnk junior yg msk lps nih rse pe yg ak rse.. At least not that much..

Kla, dh byk luah.. Pd yg bce, jgn plak kalo dpt intrview kt cni, xjd dtg.. Ni experience ak.. Xsmstinyer korg dpt yg sme kn..

Pd yg nk kutuk ak sbb lps stress kt cni, kutuk r.. Ak dh xkisah.. Byk bnde len yg ak nk fikir.. Till then, ja n salam..

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