Thursday, January 21, 2010


New year.. New determination.. New aim..

Jeezz.. I left this blog untouched quite a long time eh.. Since hp.. Well, I could say I'm busy but who doesn't right?? We r all in the state of working right now.. As juniors, there r a lot of stuff to learn.. to grab.. Even arashi's being left out.. Surprisingly.. If my friends know about this, they surely laugh at me.. I guess arashi is not my 1st priority anymore right now.. (ps: still completing them whenever I can though.. What can I say.. I'm addicted to them.. I'll be receiving their dvd next month.. Kyaa!!)

Enough about them.. I'm still searching the right opportunity right now.. Really hope to find something that suits me better than this.. (Though I enjoyed going to sngapre.. I wish I had more time since I've nvr been there.. No time to full around at all.. Isk2x..) Omg.. He's looking..

Well, I guess that's it for now.. Salam and ja

ps: Jun wears glasses instead of contacts like he used to.. Kakkoii..

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